SalesForce Integration with eMail Networks White Cloud

eMail Networks Integration with Salesforce

Yes, you can integrate your Salsforce Portal with your eMail Networks Portal

Our Email Marketing platform creates a seamless bridge between Salesforce and your email marketing activities.

Want to simplify the task of sending mass email campaigns to leads in Salesforce? Are you tired of manually exporting and importing between Salesforce and your email marketing platform?

With our integration it couldn’t get any easier. Just select the message you want to send, choose the Salesforce report(s) that you want to receive the email message, and deploy. Job done.

Once your email is deployed, tracking statistics populate each lead record, making it a “breeze” for sales reps to see and act upon your marketing initiatives. Email opens, clicks, and bounces become visible in Salesforce at both an individual lead level as well as an aggregate level. These results can also be leveraged to create new reports and action-oriented dashboards for sales reps.

Using our Integration with Salesforce, you will achieve:

*More highly targeted marketing campaigns, improving email engagement rates

*More event driven emails that connect you closer to your customers, improving retention rates

*Elimination of the need to manually upload/download subscriber data, saving valuable time

*A more complete picture of prospect’s and customer’s behavior, leading to a better understanding of how to market to them

*Increased visibility for your sales team into which leads to focus on, leading to more revenue with less effort

Contact your eMail Networks Sales Rep at for more information.